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1. Introduction :

gTuxBall is a simple wallbreaker developed in C with the GDK/GTK+ classes, as a school project for the university of Nice, in which I study computer science. It is distributed under the GPL license. There is no sound for now, because the project only uses the GDK/GTK+ libraries, which do not provide any sound support - and I did not want to use the gnome libraries.

2. Installation :

To install the project, you can, if you have pkg-config, use the default Makefile :

     $ tar -xvzf gtuxball.tar.gz
     $ cd gtuxball
     $ make
     $ ./gtuxball

If you don't have pkg-config, you can use the alternative makefile :

     $ tar -xvzf gtuxball.tar.gz
     $ cd gtuxball
     $ make -f Makefile-alt
     $ ./gtuxball

3. The game :

The game interface is pretty self-explanatory. You can move the pad using the mouse (while it is over the game board), or using the left and right arrows.

3.1 The game menu :

The game menu contains 5 options.

  • New Game starts a new game.
  • Pause Game pauses the current game.
  • Scores shows the High Scores dialog box.
  • End Game ends the current game.
  • Quit leaves the current game.

3.2 The settings menu :

This menu has only one option for now : Start Level, which allows to choose the start level for the next game.

3.3 The help menu:

This menu has only one option for now : About, which display the About dialog.

4 Conclusion :

gTuxBall is far from a sophisticated project, but I believe it is good enough to have a bit of fun sometimes. Enjoy!